從2010年9月開始,朗思傳媒集團為更廣大的手機和平板電腦用戶提供免費的广播電視服務。開拓了Mobile Radio TV Network (MRTnetwork),讓Android和Apple系統的用戶可以輕鬆地在Google Play Store或Apple Store下載WCETV銀視網免費的應用程序。就可以觀看到最新最快的中英文新聞視頻音頻和娛樂節目。節目包含了電影,時事,時尚,動畫,歌曲,應有盡有,是為新E代而設計的一个廣播電視平台。
Starting in September 2010, R&C Media Group, Inc. has started to work with T-Mobile cell phone carrier to serve a wider range of cell phone and tablet users with the radio and television services. Android and Apple system users can now easily go on Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download the application for free to watch WCETV radio and video contents. The programs range from latest news, entertainments, movie release, fashion, holidays, discounts, and useful tips to target the new E generation.