廣東電視台成立於1959年,是新中國成立最早、規模最大的省級電視台之一。憑藉廣東的地緣、人文、經濟優勢和前瞻的意識,廣東電視台近年來不斷拓展自己的傳播平台和開拓新產業,先後開辦了廣東衛視、珠江頻道、體育頻道、公共頻道、新聞頻道、嘉佳卡通頻道等6個開路電視頻道和7個數字付費頻道。 2004年又以全國領先的實力和敢為人先的魄力建立起新媒體產業群。廣東國際美洲台Ch31.4於2012年3月15日在洛杉磯地區開播,Ch32.5於2019年9月11日在圣塔芭芭拉市開播。
GDTV World aims to become a world-class media with authority, public credibility, and influence. GDTV World features news, information programs and documentaries. News Headline is broadcasted 24 hours a day on a rolling basis, which includes up-to-date global news. To accommodate various audiences, GDTV World also presents a variety of HD programs such as talk shows, documentaries, travel and food programs, financial programs, dramas and entertainment. GDTV World covers countries and regions in Europe, North America, Central and South America, South Africa and Asia. Since March 2012, GDTV World has gained access to the homes of 16 million families across Los Angeles via wireless digital. On September 11, 2019, GDTV World airs in Santa Barbara area.

KSBT-LD是一個在加利福尼亚州聖巴巴拉的地面数字電視台,成立于1998年4月10日,電視台在UHF Ch32频道播出,该電視台是屬我們R&C传媒集团有限公司所拥有和運營的。節目覆蓋收視觀眾達42萬人口。電視台目前一共有7個子頻道,其中包括1個高清頻道,4個標清頻道,2個廣播頻道。
KSBT-LD is a television station in Santa Barbara, California broadcasting on UHF channel 32. It covers the whole Santa Barbara metro area with more than 420,000 viewers. R&C Media Group, Inc. is the owner of this station.

Channel Coverage