為了讓更多年青的手機族觀看WCETV銀視網廣播電視平臺上的節目,朗思傳媒集團在手機上開發了Chromecast App。谷歌電視播放器Chromecast是一種全新觀賞電視的新體驗,手機變成是個性化的遙控器。使用手機上WCETV銀視網的Chromecast應用程序,可以指令任何高清智能電視機在銀視網的雲端搜索和瀏覽,在大電視上觀看手機選擇的銀視網精彩中英文電視廣播節目。當節目在電視上播放時,還可以自由地使用手機作其他的事情。有些智慧型電視機已附有谷歌電視播放器功能,就不需要外加谷歌電視播放器。
Chromecast is a thumb-sized media streaming device that plugs into the HDMI port on your TV. Simply use an Android phone, tablet, iPhone®, iPad®, Mac or Windows laptop, or Chromebook to cast your favorite entertainment and apps right to the big screen. With Chromecast, your phone is your personalized remote control. Use the WCETV app on your phone to search and browse, play, pause, rewind, control the volume, and even make playlists. While casting, you’re free to use your phone for other things. Some smart TVs come with Chromecast App, so there is no need to add Google Chromecast device.

今天,世界上很多新出的電視機,出厰時就帶有谷歌電視播放器。只要家裏有WiFi 能上網,就可以直接在電視上收看我們WCETV銀視網雲端直播或點播我們的精彩節目。目前,中國中央電視台的CCTV-4,CGTN,CGTN-E,CGTN-F和 CGTN-Doc,廣東廣播電視台美洲頻道GDTV以及福建旅游頻道FJTV, 都已經在美國银視網多媒體平台上播出多年。收視覆蓋全美超過50,000,000觀衆。 银視網多媒體播放平台讓傳統的電視台再次强盛!
Today, many new TV sets in the world are shipped with Google TV players. As long as there is Wi-Fi in the home to access the Internet, you can watch our WCETV live or on-demand programs directly from Internet cloud on your smart TV set. At present, China Central Television’s CCTV-4, CGTN, CGTN-E, CGTN-F and CGTN-Doc, Guangdong GDTV and Fujian Tourism Channel FJTV have all been live broadcast on WCETV Multimedia Platform for many years. Now, the coverage is more than 50 million viewers across the United States. The WCETV multimedia player platform helps the TV broadcaster’s viewership strong again!